美 容 顧 問(Beauty Consultant)
Job Title |
美 容 顧 問(Beauty Consultant) |
Reference Number | N/A |
Place | N/A |
Client Information | Our client is an international luxury beauty brand, being famous for their expertise on their skincare products. The brand is now looking for a Beauty Consultant to join their dynamic team and support their growing business. It is an exciting opportunity for someone who wants to build a career at a high-end brand.Industry: Luxury beauty |
工作範圍 |
職位要求 |
Salary Range | N/A |
有意應徵者,請將履歷書,現時及期望薪酬,可上班日期等一同電郵至本公司(professional@apass.com.hk)或按以下”APPLY NOW“。只有候選者會被通知。申請人所提供之全部資料絕對保密及只供招聘用途 |
category: Home, Job Listings